Pastoral Council
The pastoral council promotes the spiritual growth of the parish community, directs and develops the pastoral plans and policies of the parish, and serves as a primary channel whereby parishioners may make known their views on parish matters. It is expected that the pastor will consult the council on matters of major pastoral concerns that affect the life and mission of the parish.
We are currently rebuilding a pastoral council. Three members of the parish have been asked to learn from Fr. Adam how the church defines and makes use of pastoral council, and then to work with him on drafting the constitution and by-laws for the practical operation of the pastoral council at St. Mel. Elections will then be held to create a newly formed pastoral council.
Roster of Members
Rob Cahill, Chairperson
Patrick Kerrigan, Vice-Chairperson
Natale Badillo, Secretary
​Sarah Franks
Don Harrington
Carl Orban
Fr. Adam Zajac, Pastor
Bill Gerken, Parish Secretary
Meeting Minutes