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Infant Baptism


If you are a parent of a new child, congratulations! Please contact the Parish Office to schedule the baptism. We regularly schedule baptisms on the second Sunday of the month, immediately following the 10:00am Mass, although other Sundays can be scheduled for good reason. If this is your first child, we will also give you information on a short baptismal class for you to attend.


Adult Baptism


Unbaptized adults and children over the age of seven are prepared for baptism, confirmation, and eucharist over a length of time in a process called RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults), which is adapted to their particular needs and life experience. Please contact the office to arrange an initial meeting for us to answer questions and get to know you.


The Roman Catholic Church recognizes the baptism of most Christian denominations, as long as the baptism used water and invoked the Trinity. If you are a baptized non-Catholic who desires to become Catholic, you can be received into full communion with us after whatever preparation is needed based on your background and understanding.


Baptismal Certificates and Sponsor Certificates


Baptismal certificates are commonly needed when preparing for later sacraments like confirmation or marriage. If you were baptized at St. Mel Parish and need a baptismal certificate, contact us the Parish Office with your name and approximate year of baptism.


Sponsor certificates are sometimes requested so that you can serve as a godparent or sponsor at another parish. If you fulfill the basic canonical requirements, most importantly that you actively practice your faith and attend Sunday Mass, contact the Parish Office.

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